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Cutting Room Floor
That old saying comes from the film days of movies. That editing reels was as tedious as cutting actual frames out and pasting the strip...

Passion HUH What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything.
What is passion? Well technically it is defined as 1) strong and barely controllable emotion and 2) the suffering and death of Jesus…. I...

If Karma’s a Bitch, She Sure Is Subtle…
I’d like to think ‘Karma is a bitch”, if you do not treat me well, you will get yours eventually. But either she is taking a very long...

I Love You, But I Don't Have to Like You
Now that thanksgiving has passed, food has digested, hangovers are dissipating and family members are finally gone. The more I exchange...

As the Thanksgiving season approaches us, the theme of gratefulness is embodied everywhere. I like to take time everyday to remember what...

'Defined' Is Not A Definition
Often times we are defined by what we are doing at a current moment in time. I for one am guilty of this. If we are doing things that...
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