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If Karma’s a Bitch, She Sure Is Subtle…

I’d like to think ‘Karma is a bitch”, if you do not treat me well, you will get yours eventually. But either she is taking a very long hiatus or this karma thing is a lot subtler than I have hoped for over the years. Now I’m not talking that I wish untimely deaths upon people or even that their high heel gets stuck in a storm grate next to a very questionable homeless man. I more hold the hope that sometime down the road, they get to experience the same emotions that they caused me to feel one way or another. This is my only way to process knowing that people may be getting away with whichever horrible acts they may have done.

There is a popular feeling that goes around which states, “bad things happen to good people”. It seems that no matter how many Cadets ‘paper on a red string’ that you buy outside of an LCBO (which by the way, seem to serve no purpose and dumbfound me to this very day) or how many coins you drop into the out of tune guitarist on Yonge Street, you always seem to end up with the parking ticket; metaphorical or not. And naturally, upon finding this ticket, you wish a flat tire upon said parking attendant; which is only fair. But I don’t think that saying is true; I think bad things happen to all people, it just seems that the ‘good’ people think they are owed nothing bad to happen to them. I think karma does catch up with everyone, but who are we to judge the varying degrees of retribution that they deserve? If we start that, then we are no better than they were to begin with.

Ultimately, I don’t think it is unfair to wish comeuppance onto someone. After all, an eye for an eye, right? To be honest, I have never seen this mystical force in action, but of course one cannot judge his or her private life based on someone’s public life. To this day, it would just be nice to know that someone did not get away with treating another human being like garbage. That somehow down the line they had an experience that opened their eyes and the trumpets of the Heavens blared down on them as they sung through their epiphany. Alas, one will never know if this happens or not, but I like to think about it from time to time. I’d like to hope that the boss’ that treat their employees like objects instead of people feel the strain once those employees have taken enough, that the friends who took others for granted will realize down the road that they have only isolated themselves in result, and that the men who only stood a foot tall in their hearts only projected their self worth onto the people they hurt.

I don’t think believing in karma makes me an unjust person. I think it makes me a person that has been hurt too many times and won’t accept that someone can be cruel without any consequences. That people can walk through life treating others like lesser human beings and never feel the pain of that. There are people out there that take; take money, emotions, free will, innocence and even life. I won’t accept that those individuals don’t also get it returned back to them.

There is only one solution out there, be kind to people. Never treat someone in a way that you wouldn’t want to receive in return. It’s as simple as that; it doesn’t have to be complicated. Just remember, if someone is cruel towards you, don’t return it; just remember, karma is a bitch.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will happen,


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