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Cutting Room Floor

That old saying comes from the film days of movies. That editing reels was as tedious as cutting actual frames out and pasting the strip back together, whatever hit the floor was gone forever. I like to apply this analogy to people in my life. Often I apply theme music to events in my life and hold imaginary arguments in my head, so naturally I live my life as a 90's rom-com....I'm still waiting for the amazing guy who was under my nose the whole time.

But back to the analogy, I strongly believe in only keeping people in your life who are good for you. Like food, you have your organic friends who only make you feel good, your junk food friends who you always find yourself making bad decisions that you wouldn't have made on your own and you have your drug friends (literally and figuratively speaking). These are the 'friends' in your life who are only destructive to you. We all know the types, there are the ones that only pay attention to you when they need something from you, these are the people who drop you as soon as something 'better' comes along, these are the people that only bring negativity towards you. Having these people around only cause drama and pain and it is 100% not worth it.

Eventually when these 'friend's' facade comes off and they reveal which category they fall under, the "drug friends" hit the floor quite quickly. I may only be 21 but I don't ever have time to waste my time, energy or breath on people who only make my life negative; no one should. These people feed on conflict or are so self absorbed that they don't even notice-I'm looking at you 'I'm going to scroll through Instagram while I'm sitting right across from you and pretend I'm listening to what you're saying' person.

Anyone other than those who lift you up or make you the best version of yourself are the mold on the cheese that is your life-cut it off! Unless you're one of those people who like blue cheese then have at it...but those people are shady to begin with.

Thinking of high school drama turns my stomach to this day. But what makes it continue to turn is thinking back on the version of myself who just let it happen. The Brianna who just sat in the boiling vat of negativity and complained about the heat but never got out. Who is to blame then? The person causing the pain or the person who just lets it happen; I'm not sure which is worse. We all have the choice as to what we expose ourselves to, we have the power to only associate ourselves with positive people. Trust me, the moment I discovered this and opened my own metaphorical dark room was the start of the rest of my life. I felt liberated; finally I was in control.

Since then I have edited the film of my life so to speak and I'll tell you, more frames have hit the cutting room floor than ever and honestly, I have never felt better. It is a privilege to know and become friends with someone, not a right. It is something that is earned and it is something that is maintained. And with my new found editing style I have never felt lighter.

So get cutting everyone! It's only for the better.

Snip snip,


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