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Passion HUH What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything.

What is passion? Well technically it is defined as 1) strong and barely controllable emotion and 2) the suffering and death of Jesus….

I think for this post I will stick to the first definition.

To be passionate is a beautiful thing, but also a strong thing. Often you hear people describe their passions and you wonder how anyone could be passionate about paper airplanes; but who are we to judge. Technically, I have a passion for cake. Mainly because I eat my emotions…but let’s not open up that can of worms. Whenever I was asked to list my interests I would always have a mini panic attack. Never before could one solemn question create such instant fear in myself and I would suddenly realize, “Oh my god…I don’t have any interests, what do I do all day?!” There’s only so often you can repeat ‘reading’ or ‘TV’ on an application.

But what I didn’t realize was that I had a passion all my life, I just had no idea because it had become second nature too me-comedy. In school I was never the popular girl, or the artistic girl and definitely not the athletic girl (I’m practically made out of balsa wood). I was the funny girl. I was the girl who mainly had guy friends (and still do). I was the girl using humor to defend myself when getting made fun of. I was the girl poking and making fun of boys when I should have been flirting with them. I was the girl making people laugh when they were hurting or mad because that was the only way I learned how to deal with things.

I really didn’t mind this stereotype. But I quickly realized ‘the funny girl’ wasn’t the girl to ask to the dance, or to hold hands with behind the portables at lunch or to even ask to prom in high school. ‘The funny girl’ is the girl who you enjoyed the company of during school, but that’s where it would stop. I would be lying if I said that didn’t get to me, but hey, I’m a comedian, I use humor as a defense mechanism, so really the jokes on them!

But in actuality, none of this bothered me because without it, it wouldn’t have dawned on me that my true passion is comedy. Honestly, making someone laugh is the best feeling I could ask for. Now, as I am a recent graduate of the Second City Conservatory in Toronto, I get to do that every week if I want! I am so proud to be a part of such an amazing community of such talented people. I’m grateful everyday. But in the end, I’m truly grateful for realizing my passion. And like in every cheesy ending to every 80’s rom-com, I had it in me all along; I just had to find it.

Stay Golden Ponyboy,


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