I'm sure if you've left your house once in the last 25 years you've heard the saying 'everything happens for a reason'. Now I'm not a religious person in any sense of the word but I do like to justify some things that happen- sucky things included- in hopes they have some greater purpose than to just make me eat my feelings in the form of an entire cake.
Have you ever thought that maybe you burned that piece of toast in the morning and then had to re-iron your 80's blouse, which in turn made you late to work-, but maybe because you were late you missed the Honda Civic that ran the red light? Or maybe you completely forgot about that reunion party you've been dreading for months because your ex boyfriend ended up attending which would have sent you back to crying into your boyfriend shaped pillow. Now, whether this theory is true or not, it's a better thought than just having a shitty day.
Lately I've had to do a lot of soul searching and reevaluating of my life and trying to find the 'things happen for a reason' perk; some have been harder than others. But for one thing, I've been submerged in inspirational quotes. Like, "good things fall apart so better ones can come together"- good right? Almost so sweet and inspirational that it makes you sick?....No? Just me then.
One thing I do know is that whatever life throws at you, look to the people around you. The people that stick with you, those are the ones to keep around. And I know without them, I would be in a much worse place than I am now.
As one can tell, it's been a while since I've posted on my blog, which I regret. Life took a weird turn and it's taken another weird turn again. But this time it has ignited my passion once again. It's been too long that I've been uninspired just because I was "tired" and "unmotivated". I've had quite the reality check, which I am now very grateful for-panic attacks, and sleepless nights aside.
This next chapter in my life is exciting. It is fresh and important. So like my tag line says, id stay tuned if I were you because there's going to be a lot of blundering in the immediate future.