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New Years New Smears

It's that time of year again, the time of year that one single day is going to represent how the rest of your year is going to be. I never understood how New Year's Eve received so much expectation. New Year's Eve never had any other meaning than my dads birthday. So instead of getting drunk and meeting singles with the hope of having my serendipitous “meet-cute”, I was eating my weight in cake with family festivities. Now being in my 20’s it's almost expected to go out to a club and ring in the new year by forgetting the last night of the previous year-a little ironic I must say. “What are your New Years plans” is the first question that is asked at 12:01am December 26th. And my response? “Drinking in my onesie with my family at home” (really no different than any other night to be quite honest). But why must I have plans? If New Year's Eve’s theme is to be a reflection of how the upcoming year is going to be, than why would I want some strange man grinding up against me whom smells like regret and bad decisions? Obviously I would want to spend it in the comfort of my own home surrounded by those I love. The great thing about getting older and spending more time out in the ‘real world’ is that you stop caring what other people think. I could really care less if I'm the only one without ‘plans’ on that day-well in actuality my ‘plans’ are as follows: 1. Wear a lovely dress for picture taking and to feel like I made an effort 2. After the 20 minute mark, adorn pjs or a onesie (depending on the temperature of the evening and the level of wine intake) 3. Drink 4. Eat cake 5. Re: repeating 3 and 4 in succession. I'd say those are pretty great plans if you ask me. I couldn't be bothered with dealing with crowds of strangers whom I would be ringing in the new year with and I would have no clue who they even were. And of course you always have those party gems who as soon as it turns 2015 they begin the corny jokes of “wow, I haven't pee’d all year!” No one needs that. And then the next day when everyone is hating life and making pacts with God about never drinking again, I am rolling out of bed content and guilt free. Like I said, growing older and wiser has never felt better because I don't need to be doing what everyone else is doing to constitute a good night or a “proper New Years”. Just like everything else in my life, I will decide what I want to do and not feel inclined to lose my right shoe at a crummy bar in Toronto. So enough with the high expectations about New Years. One night does not dictate how your year is going to be. And maybe next year you should focus on what you're doing January to December and not December to January. Onesie power! Brianna

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