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So Valentine's Day is slowly upon us and of course that is the talk of the town. "What are you doing for Valentine's Day?" "Do you have a special someone?" And my answer is no, no and for future reference no.

Now I am all for couples who are in love celebrating their love on this day. What I don't agree with is the expectations put on this day. As you're probably realizing I am not a fan of expectation (circa New Year's Eve). There is so much pressure for this one lousy hallmark day that the poor men who have to attempt to navigate of what they can do which will create the least backlash is just unfair. I once had a boyfriend who lit the entire downstairs with tea lights, beautiful idea, probably from Pinterest. But does anyone actually think these through? It was hot as the dickens in there! And let me tell you, two sweating people attempting to cuddle is just hell on earth. And to add insult to injury when I went to blow them out he ended getting burned from the hot wax-it was very romantic as I'm sure you can tell.

I suppose I'm just the kind of person who thinks typical romantic gestures are not necessary. I've always said I hate getting flowers and it's true. It's a nice gesture but when it comes down too it, it's a waste of money. They spend money on them, you say "aww how nice" and then they die and you throw them in the garbage; I would much prefer a bouquet of the money that you would have spent on said flowers. I realize how romantically bitter this makes me seem, but maybe I am, and that's okay. Until someone comes around to show me that this day can be more than surface infatuation, I will continue to see it as a pointless, overhyped day. I believe in original romantic gestures. Anyone who truly knows me knows that I would kill for cake. Valentines Day cake-boom, you’re in my good books. Think originally people. Valentine’s Day can be special if you make it so. Any person can walk in and buy chocolates and candy but only a handful can whittle-just think about that one.

So if you're not a fan of red, poor quality stuffed bears and overpriced flowers that will die in record time, you're not alone. I'm not here to ruin anyone's love for Valentine's Day but if one more person asks if I'm against love I will knock the box of chocolates out of their hands.

It boils down to my belief that if you as a couple need to wait a year to show each other how much you love one another than that's something that may be bigger than being upset that he got you half a dozen roses rather than a dozen.

So happy Valentine's Day to all the couples out there. I wish you cheap chocolate and over priced flowers. I on the other hand, celebrate on the 15th with 50% off chocolate.

Kisses and all that crap,


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