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Fellow Snow Pants Unite

I was waiting at the train the other day and I was looking at this adorable girl in snow pants with envy- how warm she must be. I started to think back about the horrors of when I was forced to wear snow pants as a kid and how it would take me all recess break to get them on just in time for the bell to ring-oh the tears I would shed. I remember daydreaming of the day when I would no longer need to wear such monstrosities and when I would be warm enough to not have to wear them- cause all adults are warm right?

Now cut to present day- no, no we are not. And then it dawned on me, I haven't felt warm since I was in elementary school. These fashionable fake leather boots I'm wearing? I can't feel my toes. My totally awesome galaxy leggings- yeah these aren't pants. My expensive running gloves that must be able to cut the wind? Do I even have pinkies anymore?

Adults aren't warmer than children- it's just become not socially acceptable to wear 3 pound snow pants in public once you've past the age of actually figuring out how to put the damned things on.

And I admit it, as stupid as it sounds, I would rather look good than be warm in a penguin suit- but welcome to being a women. We put chemicals on our face to fit in, we starve ourselves to fit in that pair of jeans and will pick apart our last 5 days worth of texts to find out what you really meant in that last text.

Everyone is a work in progress Id like to think, but it's important to actually continue to work on it. It's only been within the last year that I've become completely okay with being alone with myself. And I'm not talking about being alone in my room with Netflix- I can do that shit through the apocalypse. I'm talking about going to eat out by yourself, going to an event by yourself etc. I did these things multiple times last year and the first couple times I wanted to jump out of my skin; and I must admit I did fake a couple calls of my "friend canceling plans on me". Oh darn- I must eat all by myself now, ho hum. But the more I did it, the more at ease I felt. I began to feel proud to know I was just by myself, I didn't need someone next to me in a theatre-it's not like we'd be talking anyways. It was such a small thing to overcome-a thing that I honestly didn't know I needed to overcome in the first place.

And then I realized, I am the snow pants of society. I felt awkward being out but I'm very necessary! My warm heart keeps the legs of society functioning! So everyone get your snow pants on! Let's get comfortable with ourselves and forget the "social norms". What fun is life to be normal? I sure as hell am not!

So hike up those snow pants and let's go!


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