You know what I don't understand? The 'Caution Baby' signs on cars. Shouldn't it be implied to drive like a normal human being and not try to kill each other on the roads regardless? If I had to have one, I would want it to read "caution baby on board and the parents would really like to live as well". Are the roads just a smash up derby on a regular day and then when they see the sign everyone starts driving like they're carrying nitro glycerin? Because if that really works then I will repaint my entire Nissan Versa with them; at least then I'd stand a chance not getting sideswiped by middle-aged Linda ripping out of the Tim Hortons plaza. You know, they would be a lot cooler if those signs were like the "beware of dog" signs. THEN I could see a purpose for them. Then I would love to see into your mini van on the 403 to catch a glimpse at the feral animal you are carrying as cargo. Now don't get me wrong, if you do it because you think it's cute or funny, then power to you. But if you're doing it out of necessity then you might as well just buy one that says "please don't kill me". Now that's a sticker I could get on board with. So let's all just take a breather on the car stickers shall we? Your car isn't your ninth grade math notebook. Don't even get me started on the stick people families....